People Helping

A Fundraising and Relationship Management Platform Built for Social Good

We’ve pulled fundraising performance data for nonprofits and charitable organizations that use Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT. This interactive tool allows you to benchmark your performance against peer organizations and quantify the added impact and additional revenue you could be leaving on the table.

Use this tool to get a blueprint for the type of sustainable change your organization can make with Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT.

Calculate Now

Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT® Impact Calculator

To see the change that Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® can help you bring to the world, we need to ask a couple questions:

First Name
Last Name
Organization Name
Number of Constituents tooltip

Organization Type:

Enter Last Year Revenue Amounts:
Total Fundraising Revenue tooltip
Direct Mail tooltip
Major Giving tooltip
Online tooltip

Direct Mail Details:
Mail pieces sent tooltip
Number of constituents whom mail was sent tooltip

Total donors tooltip
Major donors tooltip

Emails sent tooltip
Constituents with email address in database tooltip